Living with Veneers: 10 weeks later

I have had my new veneers for about 10 weeks now. The process has gone remarkably smoothly and I am more than happy with the results.

The temporary veneers were a shock to the system; I wasn’t expecting anything quite so brutal or invasive for some reason; it just hadn’t really occurred to me. I think the lack of genuine information about the process and what to expect afterwards simply translated to me that it obviously wasn’t bad or anything to worry about or worthy enough to write about. I would say this definitely isn’t the case, but each day does get more bearable and in the long run is definitely worth it. People having just 2 or 3 veneers will not be so affected I shouldn’t imagine, I had 16 in one day and it was pretty traumatic for me. After about 3 days it was just the feeling of continual discomfort and pressure rather than pain but it is very distracting and 2 weeks feels like 2 months. See it as a kind of short term punishment for your future perfect teeth.

In the first week or so after I got the real veneers, I had some minor issues with my bite, where I needed some filing down in order to fit properly. This is to be expected and may take 2 or 3 appointments to get everything just right for you. These appointments were done at my convenience and no extra cost. This process is carried out without anaesthetic and generally does not hurt; it might just touch a bit of your real tooth every now and again and make you jump a little bit, depending on how sensitive your teeth are.

I have been able to sleep, eat and brush my teeth with no problems. Sometimes, if I lean on my hand for long periods of time – while watching TV or leaning on my desk at work – I find that the pressure from pushing my jaw/ bite in an awkward angle can give me mild jaw ache. This abates after a while or I take some nurofen and it goes away.

About 3 weeks after my final veneers, I was able to floss my teeth again. My bottom teeth are still quite sensitive in-between each tooth when I do this so I have now invested in a ‘WaterPik’ from Boots. This is like the water jet tool that the dentist uses and performs the same process as flossing. It cost about £40 and has been well worth the investment. I use it in the shower, because if you use it standing in the bathroom it pisses water everywhere! If you are talented enough to use this outside of the shower, you have good skills!

I now have the teeth I have always wanted. I made sure when I discussed the look of my teeth with my dentist to include the shape of many of my original teeth. I now have perfect but realistic-looking teeth, unlike celebrity perfect teeth which look obviously fake – this has made a big difference. People who I don’t know have commented that I have such beautiful teeth, rather than asking if I have ‘had my teeth done?’. Had I had the bog standard rectangle celebrity teeth of Cheryl Cole et al, it would have been far more obvious to the eye that they are fake. By keeping the shapes of my canines and some of the other top teeth, they have retained their individualism and look much more natural. This was important to me; after years of avoiding talking about my teeth I didn’t want it to be overly noticeable that they are not my own teeth, as this only prompts the question “What was wrong with your teeth before?”  a question I would always rather avoid.

I now see people on TV, at work, in magazines and can say – I have better teeth than them. It feels quite marvellous!

Despite living with the temporaries, the temporary pain and the expense – the things I feel are the major factors – getting my veneers done has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Now, when I see my ‘before’ pictures, taken at the dentist, I can barely look at them without cringing. I can’t believe I lived with such hideous teeth for so long. I wish I had had the money and guts to have them done sooner. Despite waking up on the morning after I got the temporaries, in tears, delirious and full of regret, this has far been outweighed by the final result. If anyone asks me if it was worth it, I can honestly say yes.

If you are planning on getting veneers, make sure you fully research your dentist, see as many before and after pictures as you can, talk at length about the look, feel and style of teeth you want. Go on dental/ cosmetic web forums, see what other people have written about your chosen dentist. Don’t sign up to anything on your fist consultation, go home and think about it first. Do the mirror test to see how many teeth you actually need doing, before assuming you need 20 veneers. Sit in front of a mirror for 5 minutes, talk, smile, laugh and see how many teeth you actually expose – it may be far less than you think.

I researched my ass off before choosing my dentist, hours and hours spent on the internet reading reviews and articles. My dentist was the one who filled me with the most confidence and the one I felt comfortable with. Despite me being a very inhospitable and hypercritical patient, he was considerate of my demeanour and my concerns and ultimately did a fantastic job. It is important to choose a dentist who can provide this level of service for you and make you feel at ease. It is a big decision and a costly one, don’t go in to it lightly or rush the process.

Final pics of my veneers


Click here to read: Living with veneers – 6 months later

107 thoughts on “Living with Veneers: 10 weeks later

  1. Thank you for this blog. I am currently in temporaries for 20 teeth and although I haven’t had much pain or bite problems I have found your blog to be.very informative. I cannot wait to get my permanent veneers. I hope that I am as happy with them as you are! I have had one acquaintance comment on me having my teeth done so your comments made me nod with knowing. I always hoped that others didnt notice my ugly teeth before but of course they did even though I tried so hard not to smile. Great job on this blog. Your smile is beautiful!!!

  2. Fantastic blog!! your teeth look amazing. I am getting my porcelains fitted on Wednesday along with 4 implants. My temporaries have been in for 4 weeks and still ache unless I take painkillers, not looking forward to the procedure at all but if my results are as good as yours it will have been so worth it.

  3. Thanks so much for this blog. Your teeth look amazing!! I’m currently half way through having my veneers done. I have the acrylic temporaries on at the moment (day 4) and they look and feel terrible, so much so that I’m regretting the whole procedure! Just another 2 1/2 weeks to go until my final fit. Despite researching veneers and cosmetic dentists till I’m blue in the face, the temporary stage doesn’t seem to get spoken about very much and does little to ease your concerns for the final stage. I’m living on a diet of soup and scrambled eggs and no doubt will be considerably lighter by the time 7th December comes around!! I’m praying that these temps don’t break or discolour too badly and just hope my finished result looks half as good as yours!

  4. Thanks so much for your honest detailed account of the veneers process. I’m getting mine done in March, 5 teeth in total. Dentist recommended 6 but there is nothing bothering me about my 6th tooth so I’m not going to get that one done. Your blog has been so helpful. I’m still terrified though but thinking of the end result. Wish I could fast forward lol.

    • Hi Karen. You’ll be fine, it is more than worth it in the end. I’m guessing you’ll be underway soon. Good luck.

  5. Sounds absolutely like I’m with the same dentist and same story, I am doing 10 upper teeth and 6 bottom teeth and yesterday I had my temporary veneer fitted, well, now is 5am and I’m still here so I guess you understood, tomorrow i’ll ring back and see if id file down a bit because i can’t bite properly, thank you for sharing your experience and I feel much better after reading your blog and I will try again to sleep.

    • I hope everything goes well for you. Mention my blog to the dentist, if it is the same one, he will know about it! I am glad if it is has helped you in any way.

      • Thank you for replying, today is my 5th day, my temporary teeth still hurting and I started to have headache and shape pain near my ear, I just emailed him now and see what he could suggest me, I will mention your blog to him when I next see him, and I bought exactly what you bought for the ulcer, that helps! Thank you! Reading your blog again because this is the only for me to keeping my hope! Counting down.. 9 days left…


      • Hi Meg. How have you been getting on with your temps? Hopefully they have abated a little bit. I’m sure you’ve not got too long to go and it is all worth it in the end believe me!

  6. Hi Dani,

    My pain is getting worse, today is my 11th day and my headache is driving my crazy, the most I regretted is the Dentist suggested me to have 10 upper teeth done, but actually there are 2 on the right didn’t bothered me at all and my temporary veneers on those teeth don’t look very nice, plus those are the teeth I feel the pain the most, I am feeling quite lost right now because I can’t live without taking pain killer, I feel angry, no appetite, can’t open my mouth wide, jaw pain, cheek pain, ear pain and super headache, I still have 3 days left for the real one to be placed and I really hope after wednesday everything will be over!

    My dentist is on welbeck street, I hope you are with the same one so I would have the hope when the real veneer comes!!

    PS, you are such a nice person and many many thanks for your supporting! And I am thinking to do a blog once I am completed


    • Sorry for being rude telling you all my problems, I totally forgot the say, your smile looks stunning, I am hoping to have the same result!

  7. Tomorrow is the day, I will keep you updated!! Hopefully i’d eat BBQ meat tomorrow night too, by the way, I laughed when I read your experience, even I was suffering the pain, I like your sense of humor. Can’t sleep now, so excited!! I feel relieved that we are with the same dentist! And I will get the water flosser that you recommend too!

    Follow to your advice, I just asked my boyfriend to pick me up when I’m done, I think I need it 🙂

    • I couldnt fit the permenent one today. 😦 Just left the dentist because I need some more adjustment, my head is killing me and I probably will get you updated another time.

      • Sorry to hear that Meg. Hope your next appt isn’t too far away. Were you not happy with the final ones when they sat them over your teeth so they needed to be adjusted before the final fitting?

        Just think, in the long term you’ll be happy and you’ll completely forget these few weeks. It will be worth it in the end and as soon as those temporaries are off the pain eases considerably and then in a few hours is non existent. Something for you to look forward to!

  8. Let’s hope, it just that i knew exactly what I wanted and maybe I’m being difficult. I don’t want to bore you anymore, thank you so much for the supporting!! if I have any good news, I definitely will write to you.

    Thank you so much again


  9. I woke up to another day of a swollen face and lips and immediately reached for my phone to do some research. Today is day four of having temporary veneers on and it sucks. Your blog is awesome and it made me laugh. I am so glad to know that I should not give up om the light at the end of the tunnel. Your teeth look beautiful! Thanks for the blog!

  10. Thank you so much for your article. I am going through this experience as we speak, although my procedures are a bit more involved than yours. I am a clencher and grinder and this has affected my gums and bones around my teeth. I have had to endure restorative gum surgery and bite adjustment before I start the veneers. I am in day 10 of the bite adjustment phase, which is an orthotic which is placed over your bottom teeth that allows a natural position of the jaw thus relaxing the muscles. The problem is that nobody in the office mentions how LONG the bottom teeth will look with this orthotic (and this is in no way indicative of how long the veneers will be) or that you will have an ache and an inability to chew. Altogether, since the gum surgery and the orthotic, I have not had a proper meal for 2 1/2 weeks and I will not have my temps placed for at least another 2 1/2 weeks. The finals will be ready 4 weeks after the temps are placed. That is a total of 9 weeks or more of no real food. 😦 Soft scrambled eggs and protein shakes for 2 months, ugh. I am actually thinking about doing a clease at the very end because, well, why not. Nobody tells you how you will feel during this process. I had a freak out after the orthotic was placed and felt bad afterward. All could have been avoided if I knew exactly what the procedure would look like and how I would feel afterward. Your article saved me what would have invariably been another alarmist reaction after my temps are placed.

    Offices should have copies of your blog sent home with every patient. Thank you.

    • Hi. Thank you for getting in touch. I’m very glad if the blog has helped in any way. Your procedure sounds very difficult and you must be very brave for going through all of that. Scrambled egg will probably get a bit tiresome after 9 weeks! Maybe you should write a book of alternative mushed up food for people to eat when going through these kinds of procedures! I hope you get the teeth you have dreamed of at the end. If you need anything else, please get in touch.

  11. Absolutely loved reading your blog!!
    I’m in the process of getting my veneers (living with the tempories is horrible)
    I can relate to so many of your feelings and experiences. It’s been a great help to me – thank you 🙂 x x

  12. Thank you so much for this blog. Had temporary veneers put in just two hours ago and was freaking out about how badly they seemed to fit, how strange they feel, how awkward my bite is, the pain etc. reading your blog has MASSIVELY reassured me that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Your teeth look amazing, and thanks again for taking the time to write something so helpful and also rather funny and very honest

  13. Hi! I spent the entire day reading all of this very helpful information and am still scared out of my mind as my dentist, a cosmetic dentist who did post-graduate training in cosmetics, thinks I need to get veneer. I had fractured enamel so he bonded some 6 teeth, yet the bonding keeps chipping. Each time he fixes it, but enough is enough already. These are composite bonds that are not staying on and the various colors are terrible. I’ve lost some 12 pounds just being scared but my options are limited at this point and I’m just terrorized. Yours were all done in England, whereas I’m in the USA and you just never know. Then, supposedly,these veneers last about 5-10 years. Who has the money for this once much less again??? What if the speech is affected or the whole sensation in your mouth? Sorry to go on and on, but I’m literally shaking………Thanks

    • Hi June. Really sorry to hear about your experience, it sounds far from ideal. Where abouts are you based in America? I really think you need to look in to finding a new dentist, one with some decent referrals and who can rectify this problem for you. They definitely should not be coming off repeatedly as the final ones. I know how stressful the procedure is, but your experience sounds really unnecessary and you shouldn’t have had to go through that. I will have a look for you online to see if anyone comes recommended in your area if you like? Sincerely.

  14. I see it has been a number of months since the last post but I hope you are still out there in blog land!! I just had temporaries put in today and I’m feeling VERY freaked out. I feel they look hideous and nothing like I want the final result to look like. They look and feel like dentures and totally fake. I feel like a horse!! I should mention that I’ve been through this before, having veneered the three teeth on either side of my front teeth. After 8 or so years, it was time for a reevaluation and “upgrade” and I decided to do all 6 front teeth. For some reason I was always afraid to include my two front teeth. Now I have that full denture thing on my front teeth and I feel so unnatural. I guess I’m wondering if you felt that your final porcelain veneers were a complete and total improvement from the temporaries. Because if the final result is anything like what I have now I will hide my head in the sand like a camel! My dentist was so pleased with the temporary veneers that it scared me that he thought this is how my teeth should look! I have been with the same dentist for a long time and he did the previous work, so I really shouldn’t be worried, but this is just a totally different experience having all 6 front teeth entering the room before I do. Not good….. I need reassurance that temporaries are nothing like permanent veneers! Thank you!!! Your blog was a really nice thing to see today….whew.

    • Hi there. I totally empathise. I felt exactly the same with my temps. There is a picture on my post ‘living with temp veneers day 6 – 14’ depicting exactly how I felt – big massive horse teeth. Others told me I didn’t look that way, but they felt that way to me. What you’re feeling is entirely normal.

      I obviously can’t promise, because I am not your dentist and we probably didn’t go to the same dentist, but it is very unlikely to feel the same with your final veneers. I know what you mean about the dentist being really impressed with the temps and you thinking – holy cow, you’re impressed by these?? It would make me panic too. If you feel comfortable doing so, I would speak to your dentist, just to put your own fears at rest and get some reassurance. Call them up or pop in and just say that the temps feel massive and you’re worried about the final ones because the temp ones are very …. I would expect the dentist to understand how you feel and explain how the final ones should look and feel.

      Make sure, if you are not happy with the actual shape or anything fundamental with the temps that you discuss that before getting the final ones fitted. Make sure they are what you want and speak up.

      I hope everything goes well. Let me know how the final ones go.

  15. Hi 🙂
    I can assure you that your new veneers will be nothing like the tempories!
    The tempories are bulky and awkward – when you have you veneers fitted you will instantly be relieved to feel back to normal!
    When I had my tempories I hardly ate for 2 weeks! It was horrendous!
    I promise this is completely normal and you will feel amazing once your veneers are fitted!!
    Keep me informed 🙂

  16. Thank you so much for your blog! I just got my permanent veneers on this morning and holy goodness was it a hell of a process. My gums got infected during the temporaries and it was so painful I barely slept for two days… Thankfully the permanents are much better and I don’t seem to have gum pain anymore. They also put me on an antibiotic to reduce swelling. Are you still biting using the side of your mouth or can you bite into a burger or meat with your front teeth?

    • Hi. Bit brutal isn’t it! After I got the permanent veneers it was literally about 4 hours before I could eat properly, like I used to, with my whole mouth. I was careful, because they still felt foreign but it wasn’t like eating with the temporaries and I could bite with my front teeth. Now, 2 years later, I don’t even remember I have veneers, they just feel like my own teeth and I’m not conscious of eating or drinking with them at all. If you are having trouble still, hopefully it is just down to the gum infection you suffered and everything will be back to normal soon. Pop back to your dentist if you have discomfort after a week or so, as that isn’t normal.

      • Good news! The pain has subsided completely, and is only there if I bite down into something with my front teeth. 🙂 It’s getting better every day. I probably wouldn’t do this again (just because of all the pain I had to go through), but I am glad it’s done and I’m so happy with the results! Thank you so much for this blog. It was so helpful to me!!!

  17. Hello again! Horseteeth here….well I must say I no longer have the teeth of a horse as experienced with my temporaries! However, by the end of the two weeks I was definitely getting used to them, even though I had to go back twice to have them glued back in. I now have my permanent veneers and I am very happy. One question though….my gums still haven’t dropped down into the spaces at the top of my teeth. My dentist said this would eventually happen, but I’m starting to wonder. So because I have these spaces at the top it makes it very easy to floss, even though I know it’s not how it’s supposed to be. The spaces don’t show when I smile, but I know they are there.
    My case was considered “high risk” because I had a couple of veneers come off from my previous set. I grind my teeth terribly at night so I was given a guard to wear, and now I have an NTI device that just goes over my front teeth. I’m still afraid that they are going to pop off daily!! I’m totally paranoid about this because I also grind my teeth on the guard! Wondering if any of you out there with veneers have had them pop off for any reason?

    • Hi there. I’ve not experienced the gum issue and not had anyone else on the blog mention it, so I can’t be any help there Im afraid. Hopefully someone else will read this and be able to answer you. Glad you are happy with the final veneers, having the temporaries pop off several times must have driven you mad – it’s bad enough just wearing them for that long without them falling off too. Have you popped to another dentist, just to get some different advice? You never know, they may be able to offer something different or have specifically experienced your issue before. Hope they settle down. Take care.

  18. I must be missing something. I am getting 8 veneers and now have my temporaries on. I think they look pretty good, can eat anything and am in no discomfort or pain whatsoever. I’ve had them on for a few days now. I read this site before I went to have them done and almost changed my mind due to the negative comments. For those reading this …I want to say that not every case is as bad as what people are writing here. I don’t know why others are having such problems…but I don’t seem to be experiencing what has been described here.

  19. Hi everybody. I have just came from the dentist having had five upper teeth final veneers. I’ll tell you. I din’t have any problem with the temporary ones. Absolutely no pain, and very nice looking. My veneers look very nice, but I got a shock when before they were fixed I looked at the state of my own five teeth. They were so small now, all shaved out. After the veneers were placed, the dentist gave me a mirror and I looked on and found out that one of the from teeth have been placed somehow twisted, bended slightly to one side. I showed to the dentist and she when on hurryly to fixed it, but after a lot of moving and shaking, the veneer could not be moved to the right place, because the cement dryes sort of instancly. Now she says is not problem. I have to comeback in about a week and she will removed this veneers, and will place another one.
    Hope this works, because overall, they look very nice, and I am quite happy with my decision of having it done.
    Now, I think, how do I look after my own teeth, the ones under the veners, If I pass my tong, it feel somehow groovy, uneven. Is this normal, or should I say something to the dentist.? Thanks for the great blog. Your teeth look fantastic. Cheers

    • Hi, hope your teeth are still feeling great. The rough or groovy nature may just be the composite, or it may be where the dentist has had to file them slightly so they fit together properly since you’ve had the work done.

      No way you can look after the teeth underneath other than brushing and taking care of your gums.

      Take care

  20. Hi there, (beautiful teeth btw!!) so I went to what I thought was the best cosmetic dentist in the USA, he is on extreme makeovers and is out of hollywood. I paid out the wazoo for my teeth. I did veneers on every tooth and they look amazing. Could not be happier but I am in PAIN. I mean awful. It hurt when I had temps on but after they put my perms on, it is still hurting and has not subsided after 3 weeks. They have finally put me on a steroid call a medral dose pack and it was helping at first but now that it’s over I am back in pain. Has anyone experienced this? I’m losing weight and so hungry and it feels never ending. I take ibuprofen every day and Vicodin if it’s hurting more. Has anyone had pain/sensitivity/aching like this 3 weeks after there permanents were placed? I have done some bite adjustments and really don’t know what else to do. Nothing seems to help other than drugs.

    • Wow. Im sorry to hear your story and that you are in a lot of pain. Can you go and see another dentist, get a second opinion? Three weeks is a long time. I found that within 2 hours of having my perm veneers fitted they felt pretty much like my own teeth and no pain, i don’t know whether that is normal but 3 weeks is far too long for you to put up with that.

      Having veneers of every tooth may contribute because it will completely change the shape and positioning of your bite, but your dentist should be used to that.

      Can you go on any forums (dental/ cosmetic dentistry/ veneers: you should get a few results with those) and ask other people if they have had the same experience (even with your dentist?) and what happened.

      Alternatively, i can give you the details of my dentist and you can ask them some questions. They are in the UK though so will only be as much help as offering advice from afar.

      Let us know how you go.

      Good luck.

  21. I just has 20 verneer done 2 weeks ago it cost me $30.000 and now i have a beautyful teeth the way i always want. Yes as first three weeks very uncomfortable. now i feel great has less paint and very happy with it.

  22. Hi, I had my perms put on 4 weeks ago today, 10 top veneers. I’m still having to drink through a straw and having problems eating on my Left 5th tooth after going back to the dentist 3 times for adjustments (I’m scared he’s going to file so much there won’t be anything left) he just keeps saying to give it time and it will settle. He told me when I was getting my veneers I needed a filling on both my left and right 5th teeth. He did the standard white filling with veneer on the R side but decided to put in a full veneer unit on the L instead of a filling. To be honest I wasn’t too keen on this, just incase I had problems and would obviously need to go back to him rather than my NHS dentist, as his white fillings were 4 times price of NHS. Wish I had stuck to my guns with that one because this is really starting to get me down, only being able to eat on one side if your mouth for 4 weeks is a bit much, it’s like an electric shock if any food hits the L side. He’s now saying if it doesn’t settle ill prob need root canal treatment, which I don’t understand because after researching this, RCT is only needed if there is infection in the root.
    In regards to my temps I had an easy time if it compared to most of these posts. I decided to go with this private dentist because he did same day fits, I chose to get my temps put in on the Monday and got them off 2 days later and my perms on that day, as he makes the veneers ‘in house’. I had absolutely no pain, no discomfort and could eat straight away with no bother, the only thing was he had put a temp bulk agent into my L 5th, the one now causing me problems, and it was really rough and bulky for they couple of days. Not really a big hassle now after reading what some of you guys went through with yours. I also feel the gums on both my L and R 2nd teeth may still need to fall a small amount, not at all noticeable to anyone but myself.
    Anyone else had problems with fillings or bring told you will prob need RCT after having veneers fitted?

    • Hi. Sorry to hear about your experience. I guess they could remove the veneer, treat the tooth as they should have in the first place, then replace the veneer? I had a root canal replaced in one of my veneers before the fit of the veneer. Maybe get a second opinion if its not working out with your dentist – better to not be in pain i should imagine. Good luck.

  23. Hi!! just found this post off google… I am just about to have the horrible ‘drilling’ appointment, and honestly I am having a freak out – but I’m glad that after reading this I can now mentally prepare myself a bit. It’s really encouraging to see how happy you are to have your veneers after the final appointment, makes me realise it’ll all be worth it in the end! Thanks for sharing this, it was very helpful indeed! 🙂

  24. I had 22 teeth shaved down. I’ve had the temps on for 5 days!!!! Uhhhh, jaw pain, electric shocks when any sugar food hit the area. Chewing sucks I’d rather just swallow. Headaches, dull pain always… Jeez… Everything tastes different with plastic teeth!!!! They are turning a gray. (I love red wine) Cannot wait for the real deals!!!!! :))))))) oh and the tech who placed temps didn’t press as hard on the right side so there is a slight sag. Oh my!

  25. Love this so much, I’m currently in the process of getting my veneers done. I got my temporaries on the 19th and get my finished product January 8th! getting closer! I’m daring with my food choices now, much more than in the beginning (Im eating a hersheys bar right now lol) and I will admit I am super worried they are going to fall out / get discolored. I will also regret it If they remain this bulky and eh so ugly! But by reading all of this, I have no doubts they will be beautiful. How much different is the final veneer feeling versus this temporary? No one talks about it….. no one also talks about color anywhere online. I chose bl3 the third whitest one, I almost think I should have gone one lighter. Too late now… Opinions?

    • Hi. I had same colour as you and think they are just right, not too obvious but white enough to look better than ‘normal’. Final veneers feel sooooo much better than the temps and like i said in my blog, after a while they just feel like your own teeth and you don’t even notice them anymore – they feel slicker/smoother than my own teeth too. Enjoy

  26. I had one chipped tooth in front and had just had braces on for 7 months to correct very crooked bottom teeth. Since I had to get one veneer to fix the chipped tooth I decided to invest in 6 on the top and 6 on the bottom to go for the look of perfectly white teeth. Honestly had I known the constant pain it would cause me I never would have done it. The prep for temporaries was horrible and the throbbing mouth pain went on for 3 weeks while waiting for the permanent veneers to be completed. I prayed that it would be as my dentist said….that the temporaries were the problem and it would be much better once the permanent veneers were put on…but that’s not the case at all. The permanent veneers have been on for 2 1/2 weeks already and the throbbing pain continues. I take Advil or Tylenol all day long, but it doesn’t help much. Initially my dentist had prescribed Vicodin, but it just made me throw up. My veneers did not turn out exactly as I wanted as far as shape. On the top there are two that are not right,,,one is too short and one too long. On the bottom they kind of slope down. My dentist said he can adjust the shape by sanding them to match better. When he told me I wouldn’t be numbed for this I chose to wait a bit since my mouth hurts so much right now. My teeth have always been very sensitive so maybe doing veneers was a big mistake. I did not research well enough before I jumped head first into this. If I had then I probably wouldn’t have done it. I selected the whitest white color veneer because I always wanted really white teeth. I don’t smoke, but I do drink a lot of hot tea so the color of my teeth always looks sort of dingy. Every day when I wake up I think today may be the day that my teeth don’t hurt anymore. My dentist says that there is a healing process involved and I should allow up to a month for this pain to go away. I was never given any idea of what was involved in this process. Unfortunately, I have a very low threshold for pain and chose a dentist who is not very compassionate to my suffering. Maybe I should try to find a female dentist or a much more sympathetic male?? Until then I am just going day by day in pain. Anybody who is considering getting veneers and cannot handle pain well should weigh their options very carefully. I hear that there is such a thing as no-prep veneers…of course I only heard about this after I had already gotten mine done…sigh : (

  27. No, I’m in the United States : ( This really has been a nightmare. I have looked around a lot online and see I’m definitely not the only one who has been in terrible pain. I am really praying for it to subside soon.

    • I’m wondering if anyone has had a permanent veneer pop off? I had this happen on three occasions. Two were very soon after they were fitted, and one several years later. I now have a brand new set of 6 veneers on top. I do grind my teeth at night and live in fear of losing them again.

      • Hi. It seems from other peoples comments that this isn’t unusual – but probably shouldn’t happen. Don’t get it with mine but everyone is different. Have you been back to your dentist?

    • Hi – I am just reading this as I’m going through the same pain after 4 weeks with temporaries. I’m hoping the pain finally subsided?

  28. I guess I’m not happy to hear that others have commented that they have had permanent veneers come off. I know that’s not supposed to happen, especially when they are new. I’ve had my new veneers on for about 7 months now, and so far so good. Hopefully my past experience was isolated. Either that or my dentist has improved his technique! Btw he had no clue that there was a blog about veneers! This was a great resource during the temporary phase.

  29. Hi, looking for a bit of reassurance here please!! I got 4 temporary veneers on my 4 front teeth yesterday and as soon as I got it done I started to panic and regret it in case I won’t be able to eat normally ever again – biting in to a bar of chocolate, biting in to a panini, simple things! 😦 At the moment I am really weary eating and hardly chew properly just in case my teeth bash together and it ruins the veneer. I’m so paranoid about them falling off and currently I’m wondering if I’ve made the right decision…I know it’s too late now but I just panic after reading so many comments from people saying that their veneers pop off or crack!!

    I’m getting my permanent veneers on 21st January – will it be easier to eat again once the permanent ones are in, biting with two front teeth, rather than not being able to bite in to a sandwich?? I just finished Invisalign and got 2 veneers to change the shape of teeth and 2 to cover white lines across my two front teeth which were caused by demineralisation.

    I really appreciate any replies to put my mind at rest about eating getting easier/less worrysome!!

    • Hi. If you read the other pages of my blog you’ll get all the assurance you need, from my case at least. Other people have commented that they have had a different experience, so it depends on the individual and very much on the dentist i imagine.

      My experience was: temporaries were awful, the actual fitting process of temps and perms was horrible but as soon as the perm veneers were fitted i didn’t have any problems and could eat and drink as normal.

      Good luck.

  30. Did you ever have a vaneer fall off? I had mine done 2 months ago. I just had one fall off while flossing. Then it had a very bad smell.

    • Oh my god! No, I’ve had mine for several years now (i think since 2010) and never had one come off, or even close to being loose. That is so bad. Did you go back to your dentist? Did they sort it for you – and more importantly, explain why it happened and make sure it doesn’t happen again?

  31. I am on day 10 of my temporaries and I HATE them. In the beginning I had no problem besides my gums got severely inflamed. I believe they got nicked during the process, but today they are 10 times more sensitivity than they were. I am thinking this temporary is not on as good. On the back side it seems to feel a lot more ruff than they were. I feel like I could take my tongue and scrap pieces of the acrylic off. They dont feel loose so I dont know. I pray mine turns out just like yours.

  32. thank you so much for you day by day account – your teeth are fabulous. I am getting fitted for 8 tomorrow….so not looking forward to the temp horse teeth as I cannot have any time off work. I was thinking of wearing a mouth mask and kidding on I had an infection! Wish me luck as I’ll probably not sleep a wink tonight!

  33. It has been a month after the permanent veneers were applied and I am still in pain!! 1-2 Tylemol per day to get by & I have liver diease!) I regret doing this& they aren’t as white as I thought they were going to be. I had 6 uppers.

    • Hi there. Im sorry to read your story. A month later and still in pain does not sound good! Have you been back to your dentist?

      Is the liver disease connected to the veneers?? Or is this something that happened anyway/before?

      I only ask because when i get ill my teeth/nerves/jaw hurts where i had veneers, so wondered if this was symptom of your liver problem, rather than the other way around?

      I hope your dentist can resolve your problems for you, you really shouldn’t be experiencing problems a month later.

      Good luck and keep us posted.

    • Hi. Apologies for the incredibly late response, I have quite the backlog to wade through. I think I went for B3. What did you decide on in the end?

  34. Hi, I’ve really enjoyed reading your journal about having Porceline veneers.
    I can certainly identify with the process up to – living with temps, as I had my temps fitted at the beginning of March & I feel like pulling them out, not to mention thinking I look like a horse!
    I thought I’d chosen well when researching for the best cosmetic dentist in the NorthWest. However, I’m not happy about a few issues with the practice. My appointments were all booked with a receptionist/co-ordinater
    in Feb & my final fitting of my new veneers should have been this Fri 27th March. I received an email last week saying my appt has been changed to 27th April – which means having the temps in for nearly 2 months … I was fuming, especially as I was asked to pay in full for all my treatment & veneers at my last appointment! I feel as though they’ve got my money now so they can change & mess me about.
    I can’t seem to speak to the dentist as the co- ordinater has the role of booking ins. She says she’ll try to fit me in somewhere before the end of April … & the dentist wants to change my temps next week & take another impression …. I’m so beginning to regret thus whole process!

    • Wow. Im sorry to hear about your experience. I would NOT have been happy about that AT ALL. I hope your perm veneers have been to your liking. Personally, I would have sat in that effing office until the dentist saw me and only a police presence would have removed me! Two months in temporaries is torture and worrying that they thought it was acceptable to treat you that way. I really hope everything is ok.

  35. what happened to Meg? I cant read her reply after the last one :
    Let’s hope, it just that i knew exactly what I wanted and maybe I’m being difficult. I don’t want to bore you anymore, thank you so much for the supporting!! if I have any good news, I definitely will write to you.

    Thank you so much again

  36. Thank you so much for this blog. I have temps in right now and I’ve been crying and having so much anxiety about my teeth, literally regretting I ever started this. Your blog just gave me so much strength and encouragement … Hopefully my veneers will turn out great.

  37. I’m nearly a year down the road and could not be happier. Yes, the temps are not that great and you do have residual pain because of sensitivity but it’s a small price. I have issues with grinding, which didn’t much matter with my own teeth but I now have to wear a guard to protect veneers as prior to this I cracked them a couple of times. The guard is made to measure & not hugely intrusive – you’re asleep when wearing it!

    I had nice teeth, it was just ‘banding’ due to medication, which made them look two tone. I opted for a more natural colour and they’re great; I did not want Simon Cowell white…just the shade before his!!

    Money well spent in Edinburgh.

  38. I have really enjoyed reading everyone’s responses to their veneers. I choose to go to Mexico to a Dentist that want to College in the States. It took 4 days, 4 hours each day and I was able to design and approve the tooth right there in the chair before it was carved out. Then also avoided any temporaries as the permanent veneer was fitted and placed that same day. The Dentist was great, very good with me as I (hate) dentists!!!!. My only question now is the soreness and how long I should look for it to last. I had 16 veneers, 8 on top and 8 on bottom the tops are fine with no issues but the bottoms seem to throb after drinking anything cold and at times eating. My bottom teeth and gums were not in great shape but just want to know this soreness is common to others as well.
    And by the way your teeth look great. I also choose a natural color not the bright white and they are shaped to my natural teeth so they don’t look fake at all. I am loving the final result….

    • Hi. Sorry for the massive delay in responding to you. Great to hear you had a positive experience in Mexico, don’t think i would be brave enough to go to another country where it would harder to go back and rectify potential problems.

      Regarding the soreness, i would say this is not normal and the veneers have not been fitted correctly and somehow access to your nerves is still exposed.

      I do not personally have any pain, soreness or sensitivity since my veneers and I also had 16. I suggest either going for a check up at a very reputable local cosmetic specialist, or back to your original dentist to see what the problem is. Best of luck.

  39. Hi this blog is so good! I have no idea how you had 16 done I found the temporaries so painful and I couldn’t bite properly so chewing was a problem and I only had the front two done! I have my perminants in now (2 days in) and they are still very sensitive! The back is mainly the worse bit and if I drink anything that isn’t room temperature it’s very uncomfortable! Did you find this with yours? And if so did it go away or is this so,etching I just have to live with? Thank you

    Ella x

    • Hi Ella. I did not have any sensitivity once the permanents ones we fitted. If you’re having problems this is not normal and you should go back to your dentist and get it checked. Do not let them tell you this is normal, it is not normal to pay a lot of money for cosmetic dentistry and feel pain every day there after. If your own dentist wont fix it or denies there is a problem or denies responsibility, get in touch with me and ill send you the details of mine.

      • Hi

        Are you still happy with your veneers?! Im wearing my temperories and im quiet depressed that i have shaved my healthy teeth and i cant go back! Feeling so miserable 😢 Knowing how my teeth look underneath is killing me! What should i do?!🙏

  40. I just stumbled across this blog, and I’m sooooo glad. I just had 6 temporary veneers put in today, and barely made it home in the car before bursting into tears. I cried all afternoon, and then my husband came home and I bawled all over him. They are so ugly (yours were much nicer) and I feel like Charlize Theron’s character in “Monster.” Pleeeeaaaase God, let my permanents turn out as pretty as yours!!! Thank you for writing this blog, as most of the research I’ve done says that the temps should look pretty much like the perms. I have a great big “Osmand” smile and thought from now on, have to avoid anything funny! No jokes, please! No funny movies! Just an ongoing loop of homeless dogs with Sarah Mclachlan’s haunting voice in the background!

  41. Wow!
    What a fantastically detailed, well articulated journal on a topic which there is very little information available.
    I’m certain this information will be invaluable to many people contemplating this procedure.
    I have temps on at present, and feel much more confident getting the final veneers having read this little gem!
    A huge well done!
    You should try your hand at writing a novel 🙂

  42. Honestly, your blog has helped me so much. I have had my temporaries in for a week and been regretting every moment of my decision. I’ve been so depressed about it. I didnt look into full details about how much they shave down your teeth and how you can never go back to your natural teeth, ive been devasted about WHY i did this. I get my permanent on tomorrow and I hope they last.

    Do you feel like normal teeth? Do you feel scared they will break?? Im so worried they will break and i wont be able to afford to get them fixed!

  43. Hi , I like very much your smile , I am in the temporary phase now and choosing the color is confusing, I really like to look natural but feeling I did something as well,which color do you has and how did you choose it please.

  44. Now on day 4 with temporares, I’m super concerned as my temporaries look bulky and horse-like. Ugh. Do you have pics of what the temps looked like and how the final product turned out in comparison? I haven’t been able to find that comparison much online. Thanks for listening.reading my concerns..

  45. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I am in the temporary phase right now and it has been excruciating. I’ve had the same feelings you did and have questioned why I began this painful, expensive journey. It is a relief to hear there is light at the end of the tunnel and that you are so happy with the results…. and, no more pain! I actually had to have a root canal, because of this so it’s been a super upsetting and extremely painful experience.

  46. This article has helped me immensely! Same pain, aching jaw, they feel horrible, etc. I too thought “what have I done… big mistake!”I’m on Day 5. However I’ve had 2 fall off and 3 turned blue from moisture that got in. They made me a new set. And, so true how much excess saliva I’ve had. Must say I’m a little nervous to get my new ones on It you’ve given me hope. THANK YOU for being so honest. ❤️

  47. Thank you for this blog, I recently had 19 veneers done this past month and your journey is very similar to mine. Reading your blog help me a lot during the process.

    They said veneer can last between 10-15 years , my dentist even said 20. Based on your blog you are on your 10th year with your veneer , have you had any problem, notice any discoloration, or you think they might need a replacement soon ?

    Appreciate your response.

    Kalamazoo Michigan

    • Hi there, sorry this is so late I’ve only just seen your comment. In the 10 years I’ve had my veneers I’ve only had one issue where one popped off, and I went back to London to my dentist and he bonded it back on. No issue. I’ve had no colour change or sensitivity or anything else to cause concern. I’m getting wary of how long they’re going to last me – but so far so good!!

  48. I’m so glad I found your blog! Thank you. I’m currently on day 6 of temporaries and the pain I’m feeling was beginning to get me quite concerned. I had braces as a teenager and it’s like when I got them tightened once a month, that sort of intense pressure feeling along the jaw line, rather than the teeth themselves. It’s worst early morning and late in the day, but paracetamol is helping. I’m pleased other people have commented about the temporaries feeling bulky too, I’m not too worried about how they look, but they do feel quite thick in my mouth and I’m struggling with saying ‘th’! Thanks for letting me know the permanent veneers will be less invasive.

  49. How long after the permanent veneers were placed, did you experience pain? Sis it subside immediately? Did it take a few weeks? I’m one week post permanent veneers placement and I’m still feeling discomfort

  50. Hello, I have my temporary veneers. I’m wondering how much of a difference is chewing with these than the permanents? it feels weird when I drink like a small sensation but not painful. I hope I don’t regret this.

    • Chewing with perm veneers feels exactly like your own teeth. Hopefully you have yours in now and everything is great!

  51. I had 10 veneers for upper teeth and 10 crowns for down teeth, is almost one month, I still have discomfort, pain, sensitivity. I regret that I did this shit called holywood smile

    • Oh dear. I am so sorry to hear that, that is not the outcome anyone wants. I can honestly say that within a few hours of having my my perm veneers there was no pain and has not been ever since, that was over 10 years ago. I suggest you return to your dentist to explain this, as it’s not the agreed outcome. Or go to a different dentist to get the work remedied. Something is not right.

  52. Hi …can I ask the name of the dentist you used in the end please?

    Just realised this blog was 10 years ago how are they now still good ?
    Thanks 🙂

    • Hey there! Yes, they’re still going strong and in perfect condition! Long may that last! I never even think about them. I used Dr Joe Oliver, he’s still in London and also Mcr now too I believe! Best of luck!

  53. thank you so much for your blog. I have had temporary’s on now for three weeks and I’m beyond miserable. My husband finally looked at the temps when k pulled my upper lip up. He was shocked at how big the teeth looked and they looked awful. He told me I have to cancel getting my veneers which is today and have another sit down with my dentist. I am sick now and I think it could be from all the stress and panic getting the temporary’s on. I do regret my decision. I am having 13 upper veneers done.

    dentist kept telling me he needed to make my teeth bigger and longer. I think my natural teeth shape before they went crooked were pretty nice on me. I want them to resemble somewhat of my natural shape. My temps fell off ( one piece) already 4 times and had to be reglued. I’ve been wearing a mask when I go out. Your teeth look besutiful!

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